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World War III: Black Gold

World War III: Black Gold

World War III: Black Gold
World War III - Black Gold takes the player to the near future. Oil reserves will run out within 8-10 years. This proves too short for even the most highly industrialized countries to switch their economies to alternative energy sources. The Great
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  • WHY Maxi (Mp3)
  • WHY Music Video
  • Editor Manuals
  • Superstorm
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World War III - Black Gold takes the player to the near future. The political crisis has been going on for months, leading to worldwide turmoil. A secret conference of the UN Central Geological Commission reveals that worldwide oil reserves have reached dangerously low levels: Oil reserves will run out within 8-10 years. This proves too short for even the most highly industrialized countries to switch their economies to alternative energy sources. Soon, mass protests erupt all over the world, effectively shutting down the global economy. The Great Powers have declared WW III...

World War III - Black Gold is a full-3D RTS game with all the features that characterize this genre. The game has been developed based on a 3D environment, enabling the player toset the camera anywhere and freely zoom in and out. All game objects and the terrain itself are in 3D. The units also possess unique, dynamic physical properties - for example, vehicles move faster on hard soil than they would in sand. There are three parties in the game: the USA, Russia and Iraq. Each faction allows the player to select two campaigns, consisting of 5 missions on average. Each campaign begins and ends with a rendered film scene.


  • 2 Game modes: for beginners and experts
  • 3 Campaigns on three sites: the US, Russia and Iraq in 30 epic missions of courage and honour
  • Fully 3D war terrain and units
  • Day/night cycles and variable weather conditions affect the game and your strategies
  • 'Technology Tree' weapons research system
  • Tunnels, trenches and interconnected underground tunnel systems)
  • Ability to modify the 3D terrain (flattens terrain, create bulwarks or dig ditches)
  • Advanced electronic battle systems: communications tapping, photo stream capturing
  • Kamikaze and Stealth-units
  • Camouflage and Jamming systems
  • Defence systems: missile defence, decoys, anti-chemical filters
  • Anti-aircraft, anti-tank, mass destruction weapons
  • Challenging Multitplayer-Mode for up to 8 players over LAN & EarthNet
  • WHY Maxi Single (MP3) and Video Clip included 

Список воспроизведения
1Why [Radio Edit]TopWare Interactive3:33
2Why [Extended]TopWare Interactive4:04
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Total Games
Jun. 10, 2015
Reality Pump have refined the genre to near perfection, and until we see some radical changes to the RTS formula you’ll be hard pressed to find a better title.
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Jun. 10, 2015
Black Gold's combination of intense real-time action, gorgeous graphics, and streamlined play make this one of the best real-time strategy games of 2001.
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Jun. 10, 2015
It's an all-around great real-time strategy game that also happens to stand out from other games in the genre.
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Jun. 10, 2015
Political climate aside, this is a great game. It is well designed and features great replay ability.
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Gaming Excellence
Jun. 10, 2015
A simple yet effective menu system and superb cut scenes are one of the best aspects of World War III: Black Gold. A variety of single player scenarios should keep you entertained for a while [...]
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Минимальная конфигурация
Процессор Intel/AMD CPU @ 2.0 GHz
Оперативная память 1 GB
Операционная Система Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OS X Sierra
Графика 3D with 128 MB RAM
Звук Required
Место на диске 1.5 GB
DirectX 9.0c
Прочие требования Keyboard, Mouse
Рекомендованная конфигурация
Процессор Intel/AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
Оперативная память 2 GB
Операционная Система Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OS X Sierra
Графика Shader 1.3 and 128 MB RAM
Звук 5.1 Surround
Место на диске 4 GB
DirectX 9.0c
Прочие требования Keyboard, Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
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World War III: Black Gold
Actual Armies. Actual Weapons. Actual Political Issues.
Windows  MAC
Audio World War III: Black Gold Soundtrack
The Official Soundtrack incl. WHY Maxi Single

Подробно о продукте

Релиз на DLH
Sep. 14, 2018
Оригинальный релиз
Sep. 11, 2001
Reality Pump Studios
Windows   MAC
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | PL
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Steam Developer Serial Keys PSI Key
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Audio World War III: Black Gold Soundtrack
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