Mystery Castle: The Mirror's Secret

Mystery Castle: The Mirror's Secret

Mystery Castle: The Mirror's Secret
Groth, the Soul Reaver, has kidnapped your daughter Jessica! Explore the dangerous world of the ancient castle and help release the captive souls whom you meet along the way. Can you solve the ingenious traps of the mysterious
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Groth, the Soul Reaver, has kidnapped your daughter Jessica! Explore the dangerous world of the ancient castle and help release the captive souls whom you meet along the way. Can you solve the ingenious traps of the mysterious castle? Defeat Grot's magic and save Jessica!

  • Exciting, vibrant and dangerous world of the ancient castle, where Grot the Soulreaver sets the rules
  • Unique, charming and scary characters will immerse you in game world
  • Unveil the secrets on the castle in order to save Jessica
  • Brand new, yet familiar puzzles to solve
  • Beautiful and vibrant graphics

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Procesor 1 GHz
RAM 1.02 GB
Sistem de operare Windows 2000, Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Grafică -
Sunet Not required
HDD 500 MB
DirectX 9.0
Procesor -
Sistem de operare -
Grafică -
Sunet -
DirectX -
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This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Detalii produs

Lansat pe DLH
Dec. 18, 2015
Lansare inițială
Dec. 18, 2015
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | RU
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