Layers of Fear

Layers of Fear
You take another drink as the canvas looms in front of you. A light flickers dimly in the corner. You’ve created countless pieces of art, but never anything like…this. Why haven’t you done this before? It seems so obvious in
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Layers of Fear Layers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of FearLayers of Fear

You take another drink as the canvas looms in front of you. A light flickers dimly in the corner. You’ve created countless pieces of art, but never anything like…this. Why haven’t you done this before? It seems so obvious in retrospect. Your friends, critics, business partners—soon, they’ll all see. But something’s still missing…

You look up, startled. That melody… Was that a piano? It sounded just like her… But, no—that would be impossible. She’s gone. They’re all gone.
Have to focus. How long has it taken to get to this point? Too long, but it doesn’t matter. There will be no more distractions. It’s almost finished. You can feel it. Your creation. Your Magnum Opus.

Dare you help paint a true Masterpiece of Fear? Layers of Fear is a first-person psychedelic horror game with a heavy focus on story and exploration. Delve deep into the mind of an insane painter and discover the secret of his madness, as you walk through a vast and constantly changing Victorian-era mansion. Uncover the visions, fears and horrors that entwine the painter and finish the masterpiece he has strived so long to create.


- Psychedelic horror – A sense of insanity means each turn of the camera may completely change the look of your surroundings.
- Victorian setting – Explore a game world inspired by masterpiece paintings, architecture and décor from the 19th century.
- Original and classic art – Numerous pieces of original art and music flesh out the story and environment.
- Story-focused exploration – Only through exploring the environment can you uncover the details of the painter’s dark and tragic past.

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Procesor 2.3GHz Intel Core i5
Sistem de operare OS X 10.10 or 10.11
Grafică ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB VRAM / Nvidia GeForce 750M / Intel HD 6100
Sunet Not required
DirectX -
Diverse Supported Gamepads: Xbox 360 for Windows controller (wired) and the Xbox One controller (wired)
Procesor -
Sistem de operare -
Grafică -
Sunet -
DirectX -
Alte informații
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Preț de achiziție pentru vânzare separată
Cumpărați pachetul și economisiti ! Economisiți în comparație cu vânzarea separată
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Detalii produs

Lansare inițială
Feb. 15, 2016
Bloober Team SA
EN | FR | DE | IT | PL
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Pegi 16
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