Iron Sky Invasion: Deluxe Content

Iron Sky Invasion: Deluxe Content

Iron Sky Invasion: Deluxe Content
The Fourth Reich is flying in from the moon to say hello and destroy life on earth as we know it and we think you should do something about it. Kick the Moon-Nazi’s asses back to outer space with the all new Iron Sky Invasion Digital Deluxe
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The Fourth Reich is flying in from the moon to say hello and destroy life on earth as we know it and we think you should do something about it. Kick the Moon-Nazi’s asses back to outer space with the all new Iron Sky Invasion Digital Deluxe edition!

Expand the Iron Sky Universe and keep earth safe and cozy at the same time! New in-game content features the fearsome scourge of the Moon-Nazis, the powerful new spaceship “Katar”, a $250,000 war-chest to purchase Nazi killing bullets, missiles and upgrades, and 25 precious salvage parts to help you get a leg up on knocking the Moon-Nazis down in the Madam President Salvage Mission.

Then, kick back and celebrate your victory with a gentleman’s beverage (not provided), the pulse pounding soundtrack on Mp3, gorgeous art from the film and game in the digital artbook, decorate your pad with posters from the film and game, 8 exclusive wallpapers and revel in the “making of” content, featuring a ton of photos and video!

Content of the Digital Deluxe Edition:

  • KATAR Spacecraft - Unlock this powerful new engine of war and blast the moon Nazis into oblivion. After the cold vacuum of space, hell will seem nice and cozy!
  • Big Money! - Upgrade your ships with new weapons, armor and more with $250,000 in cold cash! Bring it on!
  • 25 Salvage Parts - This stuff is hard to come by, so here’s 25 salvage parts for the tricky Madam President Salvage Mission, or just sell them at any space station for a big ol’ pile of cash! Options are fun!
  • The Digital Artbook - This packed artbook features 72 pages of art from Iron Sky the film and Iron Sky Invasion the game! Look at the pretty pictures!
  • Soundtrack (MP3) - The full soundtrack recorded in Mp3 format. Turn it on, and rock it out.
  • 8 Full-HD Wallpaper - Make your desktop a bastion of freedom with 8 different HD wallpapers.
  • “Making of” Content - See how it was all done with this packed feature full of interviews, pictures and more.
  • Digital Game and Movie Poster - Self Explanatory!

1USA Main ThemeTopWare Interactive2:49
2NAZI ThemeTopWare Interactive3:13
3Korea ThemeTopWare Interactive1:37
4Russian MirTopWare Interactive1:58
5Russia ShortTopWare Interactive0:48
6Gotterdammerung ThemeTopWare Interactive2:03
7Ambient 1TopWare Interactive3:50
8Ambient 2TopWare Interactive3:28
9Ambient 3TopWare Interactive4:31
10Ambient 4TopWare Interactive4:03
11Battle 1TopWare Interactive2:22
12Battle 2TopWare Interactive2:49
13Battle AmbientTopWare Interactive2:37
14Menu AmbientTopWare Interactive1:42
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Procesor Intel / AMD @ 2.0 GHz
Sistem de operare Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OSX 10.7, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or SteamOS
Grafică Per-Pixel-Shader 3.0 @ 512 MB RAM
Sunet Required
HDD 1.5 GB
DirectX 9.0c,10
Diverse Iron Sky Invasion Main Game
Procesor Intel / AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
Sistem de operare Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OSX 10.7, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or SteamOS
Grafică Radeon HD 2900 / Geforce 8800 GTX or better
Sunet 5.1 Surround
DirectX 9.0c
Diverse Iron Sky Invasion Main Game
Alte informații

Dacă doriți să achiziționați DLC-ul pentru Iron Sky Invasion, asigurați-vă că dețineți produsul principal Iron Sky Invasion de pe aceeași paltformă de pe care doriți să achiziționați DLC-ul (ex. Dacă deșineți Iron Sky Invasion pe Steam, asigurați-vă să achiziționați DLC-ul ca și cheie de activare Steam).

This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
This product is available DRM free. No client, serial number or activation is necessary. After your purchase, you can begin to download it immediately.
This product is available as a PSI Key. To download the product, just type in the redemption code you received after your purchase at the top of the page, or at Note: the PSI-Key is the serial key for the purchased product, but it may also be required during your installation or for activation purposes.
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Produse incluse în Pachetul Complet
Preț de achiziție pentru vânzare separată
Cumpărați pachetul și economisiti 34%! Economisiți în comparație cu vânzarea separată
11,00 $
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Produse incluse în Pachetul DLC
Preț de achiziție pentru vânzare separată
Cumpărați pachetul și economisiti 33%! Economisiți în comparație cu vânzarea separată
4,00 $
Cumpără pachetul DLC
DLC Iron Sky Invasion: Deluxe Content
Gotterdammerung Edition
Windows  MAC  Linux
DLC Iron Sky Invasion - The Second Fleet
Become a true space commander!
Windows  Linux
DLC Iron Sky Invasion - Meteorblitzkrieg
The Reichsflugscheibe awaits you!
Windows  Linux
Iron Sky Invasion
Don’t worry… you’re in good hands.
Windows  MAC  Android  Linux

Detalii produs

Lansat pe DLH
Sep. 08, 2018
Lansare inițială
Nov. 04, 2016
Reality Pump
Windows   MAC   Linux
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | PL
Disponibil ca
Steam No DRM PSI Key
Ratingul de vârstă
Pegi 12
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USK 12
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Acest titlu a fost evaluat ESRB, pentru Adulți, pentru:
  • Strong language
  • Violence

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Caracteristici suportate

Produse asociate

Iron Sky Invasion
Adaugă în coș
DLC Iron Sky Invasion - The Second Fleet
Adaugă în coș
DLC Iron Sky Invasion - Meteorblitzkrieg
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