Elements: Soul of Fire

Elements: Soul of Fire

Elements: Soul of Fire
The light of the world fades. Evil hearts seek the Power of the Elements - the forces which bind the universe together - thus threatening all of existence. An homage to the 8-BIT era with a charming art
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Elements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of FireElements: Soul of Fire

The light of the world fades. Evil hearts seek the Power of the Elements - the forces which bind the universe together - thus threatening all of existence.

Join an eclectic cast of characters and embark on a fantastic journey in the vast archipelago of Adamaria, evoking the gods of the land, sea, and sky in your quest to rekindle the fire of hope! Restore the light to the mystical Runes by earning the favor of the mighty Elemental Guardians and stand up to the oppressive forces of darkness.

From the depths of the ocean to the highest skies and far, far beyond, your journey will take you to unimaginable places. Breathtaking action, mind-bending puzzles, and perilous traps await you in this epic 70-hour adventure.

Come, awaken the power within YOU! Lose yourself in "Elements: Soul of Fire!"

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Procesor Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster
RAM 512 MB
Sistem de operare Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Grafică Card capable of 1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution
Sunet Required
HDD 260 MB
DirectX -
Procesor -
Sistem de operare -
Grafică -
Sunet -
DirectX -
Alte informații
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at www.steampowered.com) and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Detalii produs

Lansat pe DLH
Sep. 13, 2018
Lansare inițială
Jan. 12, 2015
Soul Catapult
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