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Planets Under Attack

Planets Under Attack

Planets Under Attack
Planets under Attack offers a surprising depth of gameplay, while its intuitive controls allow even casual gamers to pick it up and feel comfortable immediately. An exciting and memorable cast of characters exist perfectly in this artistically
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Money rules the world, a truism even a child knows. Is it really so surprising then, that money now rules outer space as well? The truth is, the laws of business have taken over the universe, with one obvious exception; robots! Money is useless to these robots and they honestly could care less about the trifles that come along with earning it. But before you decide to praise them on their morality, this doesn’t mean that those rust bukkets aren’t out for their own brand of currency – energy. Their motivation to get sweet, sparkling energy makes them no less dangerous then the human space conquistadors. What’s that?

“What about the aliens?” you ask? Well… who knows what they think? What I do know, is that they are just as greedy as anyone, and will stop at nothing to obtain entire planets for themselves! Yep, it’s a hard life as a space adventurer. A whole lot of planet conquering is waiting for you, regardless of whether you are a human or a robot. Now enough jawing. There’s no time to waste! Get out there and rule that galaxy! Those planets won’t conquer themselves.


Planets under Attack offers a surprising depth of gameplay, while its intuitive controls allow even casual gamers to pick it up and feel comfortable immediately. In addition to the addicting gameplay, Planets under Attack is an obvious labor of love.

An exciting and memorable cast of characters exist perfectly in this artistically beautiful world. From the ships to the planets, everything has an essence of its own, with a memorable soundtrack and comical sound effects breathing life into the visuals. The goal of this challenging space adventure is to conquer a galaxy of planets, while undertaking a multitude of special challenges. Take control of your mighty space armada, and wreak havoc across the cosmos, but choose your targets wisely!


  • A diverse campaign with 32 levels and multiple game modes
  • Impressive moving planetary systems in a three dimensional space
  • Stunning cartoon graphics
  • Fun, easy to learn gameplay in a rich science-fiction setting
  • 15 multiplayer levels for 2-4 players - either in Online mode against other players, Skirmish mode against the A.I., or work towards the same goals and team-up with players in Team mode.
  • Same system multiplayer – allowing players to play with up to 4 people at once, all on the same system, and in any mode they choose.
  • 15 unlockable technologies provide gameplay variety in both single and multiplayer modes
  • 2 playable races with unique ship designs and gameplay variants

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Sep. 10, 2018
Overall, Planets Under Attack is a very nice and unique concept for a game and there isn’t much out there that compares to it. It is everything it needs to be, nothing more, nothing less.
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Electronic Theatre
Sep. 10, 2018
As a strategy videogame Planets Under Attack is deceptively deep, with a lightweight tutorial cleverly adding new mechanics to the campaign in a fashion that leaves the player with greater confusion..
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Sep. 10, 2018
Wer auf Strategie steht, sollte sich den Titel nicht entgehen lassen.
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Sep. 10, 2018
Spielen Sie als Mensch oder Roboter in einem erfrischend neuen Weltraum-Strategie-Setting.
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Sep. 10, 2018
Alle diese Zutaten machen Planets under Attack zu einem echten Geheimtipp für Strategiefans und Taktiker.
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Sep. 10, 2018
Probe further and you’ll discover a limited selection of mechanics to build and mobilize your arms to both attack and defend planets. Dig deeper still and you’ll find a plethora of strategic options,
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Sep. 10, 2018
Travel the universe with Mr. Goodman as he tries to make his fortune in the galactic gold rush by conquering planets and defeating human, alien and robot opponents who want to take his chance at wealt
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Минимальная конфигурация
Процессор Intel/AMD Single Core @ 2.0 GHz
Оперативная память 1 GB
Операционная Система Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Mac: Snow Leopard 10.6.x
Графика Shader 3.0 support @ 256 MB, Open GL 2.1
Звук Required
Место на диске 450 MB
DirectX 9.0c
Прочие требования Keyboard, Mouse
Рекомендованная конфигурация
Процессор Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64x2 @ 2.0 GHz
Оперативная память 2 GB
Операционная Система Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Mac: Lion 10.7.x
Графика Shader 3.0 support @ 512 MB, Open GL 2.1
Звук 5.1 Surround
Место на диске 750 MB
DirectX 9.0c
Прочие требования Keyboard,Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
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