In the distant future, there are rumors of a mysterious cyborg running an abandoned hidden research facility on a planet far from the center of human civilizations. His mysterious origin attracts the Star System Governments to investigate the truth of this cyborg called The Admin and reclaim the facility with all its researches inside. But little is known to the Governments, because we, humans, are not the only beings interested in this mysterious cyborg. Play as The Admin, a cyborg wielding gun and sword in defending the research facility from humans who try to reclaim it and from other beings try to destroy him. Forge sharper swords to slice all who endangers the mission, craft deadlier guns to put a hole in the body of invaders, and evolve to be better at surviving.
This game is a single player 3rd person action adventure game where you play as a cyborg called The Admin. As the only thing that left in the facility, he must keep the facility running and defend it from anything that is threatening his mission. You will have 2 weapons, a handgun and a sword, and some skills that can be used in your battle against the enemy. As your journey goes on, these weapons and skills can improved and evolved to help you defeat stronger enemies.
There are three types of enemies in The Admin which are : The Wildlife Creatures, The Solar System Government's Spec Ops and The Xenotroops. Each of them has 5 types of variations with unique appearance and distinct strategy to defeat them.
Because of the ever growing threat that is ready to destroy The Admin and all his works, you will need more deadly weapons and skills to survive. The gun and sword can be upgraded to become more deadly physical or energy weapons type. This energy or physical type will have more advantage against certain type of enemy.
Just like the weapons, the skills can also be upgraded and evolved. Each of the skills in the admin can be evolved into one of 2 branches available when you reach a certain point. Each branch will have a distinct function and properties than the other one.
(c) 2018 by Willpowaproject - all rights reserved
Процессор | intel G640 / AMD A6-6400 or equivalent |
Оперативная память | 2 GB |
Операционная Система | Windows 7 |
Графика | NVidia Geforce GT530 / AMD HD 5570 or equivalent |
Звук | Required |
Место на диске | 4 GB |
DirectX | 11 |
Прочие требования | Mouse, Keyboard |
Процессор | Intel i3 3220 / AMD A8-7670K |
Оперативная память | 4 GB |
Операционная Система | Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 |
Графика | NVidia Geforce GTX750 / AMD R7 250 or equivalent |
Звук | Stereo, DirectX compatible |
Место на диске | 4 GB |
DirectX | 11 |
Прочие требования | Mouse, Keyboard |
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(c) 2018 by Willpowaproject - all rights reserved