Two Worlds Epic Edition

Two Worlds Epic Edition

Two Worlds Epic Edition
... 300 years after Aziraal has been banished, a brother and sister are drawn into the conflict which has flared up between the Orcs and the free world. Kyra, the hero's younger sister, suddenly disappears in mysterious circumstances.
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Besplatni dodaciUključeno u kupovinu
  • Digital Map
  • Digital Maxi Disc (MP3)
  • Wallpaper
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«...If my family really belongs to the chosen ones, why then have we always been as poor as church mice? I have never given much credence to all the old stories about a relict in our family's possession - one which supposedly banned Aziraal, the god of the Orcs - they say that only those ofmy bloodwere chosen to safeguard the secret. 'Tis nothing but nonsense methinks – however, my sister Kyra always listened eagerly to the stories of the old ones... but she vanished several months ago... »

To all intents and purposes you're an unscrupulous bounty hunter and mercenary - but the search for your sister takes you back to your roots.

At the beginning of your epic adventure, a mercenary task takes you to the far north - but you're also following up a mysterious lead at the same time - the first clue you've been given since Kyra's disappearance. You get a shock during a meeting with the delegates of a dark Brotherhood - your sister's kidnappers are indeed after your family's relict. Whether there's any truth in your family being chosen ones or not, the others obviously believe it - and if you ever want to see Kyra alive again, you'll have to act swiftly...

  • Includes Two Worlds Version 1.7, plus both add-ons Tainted Blood and Curse of Souls
  • OVER 90 NEW QUESTS: Journey even deeper into the world of Antaloor with over 90 new quests and eight new multiplayer maps
  • Soundtrack by Grammy Award Winner Harold Faltermeyer

Two Worlds Awards


  • STUPENDOUS LANDSCAPES: in a fantasy world where every inhabitant leads a separate dynamic life with realistic daily routines, your deeds will determine the fate of the strife-torn land of Antaloor.
  • PLAYING FREEDOM: Two Worlds is not for those who don't like making decisions, because you'll often have to take one side or the other — an intelligent, networked reputation system for guilds and secret societies makes sure of that.
  • KNIGHT, THIEF, MAGE or ALCHEMIST: spectacular, dynamically-choreographed fights on foot or at full gallop. An absorbing alchemy system for creating individual potions and power-ups provides diversification - and carrying out break-ins in Sneak mode will have your nerves jangling! If this still isn't enough, try the sophisticated magic system...
  • INTUITIVE INTERFACE and INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT OF ATTRIBUTES: you can experiment with all the character attributes and develop your skills as and when you like. An elaborate inventory system ensures that you always have a clear overview — no matter how hot the action gets.
  • MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER INCLUDED: bustling towns are the trading centers and meeting points for several hundred players. Self-created characters fight gripping PvsP duels in Arena mode — or solve a series of exciting quests as allies.
  • UPDATED GAME ENGINE: The brand new 1.7 engine update now included!

Lista reprodukovanja
1Play the Game (Radio Edit)Harold Faltermeyer4:12
2Magta Lahjar (Remix)Harold Faltermeyer3:21
3Play the Game (Extended)Harold Faltermeyer4:44
4Siege of CathalonHarold Faltermeyer6:46
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Technic 3D
Jun. 08, 2015
Die Grafik ist ein Traum: das dynamische Wettersystem, der Reichtum an Waffen und Schildern sowie eine weitestgehend freie Charakterentwicklung steigern den Spielspaß.
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Jun. 08, 2015
An „Two Worlds“ begeistern besonders die detaillierten Landschaften und die verschiedenen Lösungswege der Aufgaben. Das wünsche ich mir von viel mehr Titeln.
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PC Games
Jun. 08, 2015
Das dickste Lob gebührt den Programmierern. Die technische Basis von Two Worlds ist erstklassig und stiefelt mal so eben an Oblivion und Gothic 3 vorbei.
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Jun. 08, 2015
Das Reisen durch die Welt ist aufgrund der herausragenden Grafik und dem sinnvollem Einsatz von Reittieren schön unterhaltsam und auch das Kampf- und Magiesystem ist für Leute super [...]
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Jun. 08, 2015
Die Außenwelt ist wunderhübsch, braucht nicht besonders viel Hardwarepower und ist auch noch dezent hübscher und abwechslungsreicher als bei Oblivion.
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PC Action
Jun. 08, 2015
Ein würdiger Konkurrent von Genregrößen wie Gothic 3 und Oblivion!
A worthy competitor of genre greats like Gothic and Oblivion!
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Jun. 08, 2015
Das Schwergewicht neben Oblivion und Gothic 3 [...] Großartiges Rollenspiel!
The big player alongside Oblivion and Gothic 3 [...] Great RPG!
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Minimalna konfiguracija
Procesor Intel/AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
Radna memorija 2 GB
Operativni sistem Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OS X 10.7, El Capitan, Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS or SteamOS
Grafička karta AMD or nVidia with Shader 3.0 @ 256 MB
Zvuk Required
Hard disk prostor 18 GB
DirketX 9.0c
Razno Keyboard,Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
Preporučena konfiguracija
Procesor Intel/AMD Quad Core @ 2.0 GHz
Radna memorija 4 GB
Operativni sistem Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Mac OS X 10.7, El Capitan, Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS or SteamOS
Grafička karta AMD Radeon X, Geforce FX 6, 7, 8 series
Zvuk 5.1 Surround
Hard disk prostor 20 GB
DirketX 9.0c
Razno Keyboard,Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
Ostale informacije
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
This product requires a serial number and activation. After your purchase, you will receive the serial number and the download. Please follow the instructions provided during the installation process.
This product is available as a PSI Key. To download the product, just type in the redemption code you received after your purchase at the top of the page, or at Note: the PSI-Key is the serial key for the purchased product, but it may also be required during your installation or for activation purposes.
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10,00 $
Preuzmi komplet paket
Two Worlds Epic Edition
The big player alongside Oblivion and Gothic!
Windows  MAC  Linux
eBOOK Two Worlds Strategy Guide
Straight from the Developers!
Audio Two Worlds OST - The Album
Official Soundtrack of Two Worlds RPG

Detalji o proizvodu

Izdanje na DLH
Sep. 12, 2018
Originalno izdanje
Aug. 26, 2008
Razvojni tim
Reality Pump Studios
Windows   MAC   Linux
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | RU | PL | CZ
Dostupno kao
Steam Developer Serial Keys PSI Key
Klasifikacija uzrasta
Pegi 16
Ocjena naslova za osobe preko 16 godina starosti
Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
USK 12
Ocjena nasova za lica do 12 godina starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Ocjena naslova za odrasle osobe
  • Blood and Gore
  • Violence

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta

Podržane osobine

Povezani proizvodi

Audio Two Worlds OST - The Album
eBOOK Two Worlds Strategy Guide