

Tempest is a Pirate Open World Action RPG which is offering an ultimate ability to free roam three vast worlds filled with dozens of colonies and forts, hundreds of quests and countless ships to plunder. You can trade, fight, explore on your own or
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Hey Captain! Now that you’ve got the Jolly Roger fluttering in the wind over your ship, you’re ready to rove the seas, take on merchant ships loaded with booty and storm formidable fortresses. Set sail and get your hands on all those legendary treasures that are just waiting for the picking!
When we created Tempest, we focused on the most thrilling part of pirate life – sea battles.
As you navigate the dangerous waters of the game you won’t just catch up with merchants, but you will encounter fellow pirates, creepy followers of a mysterious cult and terrible mythical monsters: Kraken, Leviathan and other infamous creatures.
Your ship – the pride and joy of any freebooter – can be customized in many ways. You are free to change almost everything – from the color of your flag and sails to the ship’s hull and figurehead.
Of course, there are plenty of weapons to choose from for every battle, including cannons, mortars, flame throwers and so on. Also there are special tools ready to help you to rig the ship for any purpose. However, you can win the most valuable artifacts only by finishing the multilevel quests called “legends”.

Game Features

Early Access version:

  • Draw the world map
    Discover the first region of the Tempest world.
  • Seafarer’s adventures
    Buy ships, upgrade your ships, decorate your ships.
  • Being a pirate: Marketer or Racketeer?
    Buy something cheap and sell it at a higher price… This doesn’t sound like a pirate’s way. Plunder galleons, sink warships, destroy forts!
  • Fight huge monsters
    Kraken’s sea-friends are waiting for you!
  • Powerful Artefacts
    Use mystical crystals to escape the enemy’s cannonballs, bring down meteorites onto your opponent or call a huge octopus to your aid.
  • Create a great crew of tough guys
    Level up your pirates, let them grow from sailor boys to skilled old salts.

    Full version will include:
  • Multiplayer. Play alongside your friends or fight against each other (The multiplayer will be available in future updates).
  • Three vast regions to discover.

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Moja procjena

Pročitaj više
Minimalna konfiguracija
Procesor Intel/AMD Dual Core @2.0 GHz
Radna memorija 2 GB
Operativni sistem Windows XP SP3 / 7 / 8 / 10
Grafička karta DirectX 9 compatible, Shader 3.0 @256 MB
Zvuk Not required
Hard disk prostor 500 MB
DirketX 9.0
Razno Keyboard, Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
Preporučena konfiguracija
Procesor Intel/AMD Quad Core @2.0 GHz
Radna memorija 4 MB
Operativni sistem Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Grafička karta DirectX 9 compatible, Shader 3.0 @ 512 MB
Zvuk DirectX compatible
Hard disk prostor 650 MB
DirketX 9.0c
Razno Keyboard, Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
Ostale informacije
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at www.steampowered.com) and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
Pročitaj više
Proizvodi uključeni u puni paket
Cijena ako se kupuje odvojeno
Kupi paket i sačuvaj dodatan 39%! Vaša ušteda u poređenju sa pojedinačnom kupovinom.
11,00 $
Preuzmi komplet paket
Proizvodi uključeni u DLC paket
Cijena ako se kupuje odvojeno
Kupi paket i sačuvaj dodatan 20%! Vaša ušteda u poređenju sa pojedinačnom kupovinom.
2,00 $
Preuzmi DLC paket
DLC Tempest - Jade Sea
Go on Board the real Chinese Junk Boat
Windows  MAC
DLC Tempest - Treasure Lands
New adventures! New ship! Valuable rewards!
Windows  MAC
Audio Tempest - Original Soundtrack
Original Soundtrack of Tempest
Pirate Open World Action RPG
Windows  MAC

Detalji o proizvodu

Izdanje na DLH
Aug. 22, 2016
Originalno izdanje
Aug. 22, 2016
Razvojni tim
Lion's Shade
Windows   MAC
Dostupno kao
Klasifikacija uzrasta
Pegi 7
Ocjena naslova za djecu do 7 godina starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Ocjena naslova za djecu do 6 godina starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Ocjena naslova za djecu od 10+ godina starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta

Podržane osobine

Povezani proizvodi

Audio Tempest - Original Soundtrack
DLC Tempest - Jade Sea
DLC Tempest - Treasure Lands