Earth 2150: The Moon Project

Earth 2150: The Moon Project

Earth 2150: The Moon Project
While the Lunar Corporation, Eurasian Dynasty and the United Civilized States are preparing themselves for the last all-encompassing battle, work is being feverishly carried out on a secret project on the Moon. Only the code name of this project is
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  • Wallpaper
  • Editor Manual
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The year 2150 … one of the blackest chapters in the history of mankind. While the Lunar Corporation, Eurasian Dynasty and the United Civilized States are preparing themselves for the last all-encompassing battle, work is being feverishly carried out on a secret project on the Moon. Only the code name of this project is known ………… "SUNLIGHT"

THE MOON PROJECT plays parallel to EARTH 2150 -Escape from the Blue Planet-, the award-winning, best-selling realtime-strategy hit from TopWare Interactive.

The UCS and the LC go head-to-head in a completely new game environment - a brand-new story with campaigns, new units, buildings, songs and much, much more. All these elements combine to make "The MOON Project" an absolutely new and gripping experience in the EARTH universe for gamers of all ages.


  • The official sequel to the hugely successful 3D Realtime Strategy game EARTH 2150
  • 3 extensive campaigns with well over 100 mission aims
  • At least 100 hours of Single player fascination and endless Multiplayer fun
  • Each side has over 50 different units and structures
  • Easy-to-use map editor and script language to create your own campaigns
  • Over 25 Multiplayer maps for LAN, Internet und EarthNet

Game in: EN | FR | DE | PL | RU

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IGN Editor's Choice
Sep. 01, 2018
Earth 2150 is a brilliant strategy game that really uses the 3D terrain to its fullest. Earth 2150 is one of the finest examples of a classically-styled RTS I've seen in years [...]
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PC Games
Sep. 01, 2018
Earth 2150, features innovations that leave its Westwood rivals in its dust. If there would be any justice on earth in 1999, then EARTH 2150 would been awarded with double platinum.
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PC Gamer
Sep. 01, 2018
A first-rate RTS game that just may revitalize the genre.
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Pročitaj više
Minimalna konfiguracija
Procesor Intel / AMD Single Core CPU @ 1.5 GHz
Radna memorija 1 GB
Operativni sistem Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Grafička karta 3D with TnL support and 64 MB RAM
Zvuk Required
Hard disk prostor 1 GB
DirketX 9.0c
Razno Keyboard, Mouse, Internet Connection for Multiplayer
Preporučena konfiguracija
Procesor Intel / AMD Single Core CPU @ 2.0 GHz
Radna memorija 2 GB
Operativni sistem Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Grafička karta 3D with Shader support and 256 MB RAM
Zvuk with 5.1 support
Hard disk prostor 2 GB
DirketX 9.0c
Razno Keyboard, Mouse, Broadband Internet conncetion
Ostale informacije
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
This product is available DRM free. No client, serial number or activation is necessary. After your purchase, you can begin to download it immediately.
This product is available as a PSI Key. To download the product, just type in the redemption code you received after your purchase at the top of the page, or at Note: the PSI-Key is the serial key for the purchased product, but it may also be required during your installation or for activation purposes.
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3,00 $
Preuzmi komplet paket
EARTH 2160 Universe Edition
Incl. EARTH 2140, EARTH 2150 and EARTH 2160
Windows  MAC
Earth 2150: Lost Souls
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EARTH 2150
Escape from the Blue Planet
Earth 2150: The Moon Project
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Detalji o proizvodu

Izdanje na DLH
Sep. 01, 2018
Originalno izdanje
May. 20, 2000
Razvojni tim
Reality Pump Studios
EN | FR | DE | RU | PL
Dostupno kao
Steam No DRM PSI Key
Klasifikacija uzrasta
Pegi 12
Ocjena nasova za lica do 12 godina starosti
Violence, Online gameplay
Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
USK 12
Ocjena nasova za lica do 12 godina starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Ocjena naslova za tinejdžere
  • Violence

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta

Podržane osobine

Povezani proizvodi

EARTH 2160 Universe Edition
Earth 2150: Lost Souls
EARTH 2150