Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Journey To The Center Of The Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth is a platformer about exploring giant caves and dying of thirst. Based on the Jules Verne novel, players control three adventurers with unique powers and have to make their way through 18 levels, solve puzzles,
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Journey to the Center of the Earth is a 2D platformer about exploring giant caves and dying of thirst. Based on the Jules Verne novel, players control three adventurers with unique powers and have to make their way through 18 expansive levels, solve puzzles, avoid traps and find the well hidden secret at the center of the Earth.


  • classic puzzle platformer gameplay
  • 18 giant levels
  • 3 characters with unique powers
  • control all 3 heroes at the same time, or guide them individually
  • survival mechanic
  • no combat
  • lots of secrets to uncover
  • world based upon the Jules Verne novel

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Poredaj po Prvo najnovije   Najkorisnije
Vaša recenzija je sačuvana
Moja procjena

Pročitaj više
Minimalna konfiguracija
Procesor 2 GHZ
Radna memorija 1 MB
Operativni sistem windows XP
Grafička karta -
Zvuk Not required
Hard disk prostor 128 MB
DirketX 9.0c
Preporučena konfiguracija
Procesor -
Radna memorija -
Operativni sistem -
Grafička karta -
Zvuk -
Hard disk prostor -
DirketX -
Ostale informacije
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Detalji o proizvodu

Izdanje na DLH
Sep. 26, 2018
Originalno izdanje
Sep. 25, 2015
Razvojni tim
insayn, 4Nation5
Windows   MAC   Linux
Dostupno kao
Klasifikacija uzrasta
Pegi 3
Ocjena naslova za djecu do 3 godine starosti

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Naslov je ocjenjen kao nedostupan za:

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta
Ocjena naslova za sve uzraste

Nauči više o lasifikaciji uzrasta

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