Campfire: One of Us Is the Killer

Campfire: One of Us Is the Killer

Campfire: One of Us Is the Killer
Campfire is a 6 people multiplayer game where you play roles. You got to bluff, accuse and persuade others via voice chat. It is based on communication and logic. Observe others and their intentions via their vocal expression. Find the killer before
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What is it? 

Campfire is a multiplayer lie and deceit game. You got to bluff, accuse and persuade others via voice chat. 

Cool, what else? 

It is similar to a "Mafia Party Game", with a different scenario: You are out camping with strangers.

You have to survive in the woods together. But not everyone is what they seem. There is a Killer among you and, one by one, he will try to kill everyone and sabotage the camp. Are you a capable to find the killer, before everyone is dead or run out of resources?

You all are in the camp, but you need food, water and fire to stay alive. It is a harsh weather, but working together you can strive. While in the camp, use the voice chat to coordinate the group. Every camping round, you all can vote to execute a suspected Killer or get back to gathering. Careful not to execute innocents, it will be one less for the killer take care of. When gathering resources, you are all by yourself… or arent you?

What to do? 

  • If you are a Camper, gather resources and take care of each other. Discuss and Vote to execute a Killer suspect.
  • If you are a Killer, attend the call. Stalk the others, and kill them. But be careful, someone may be watching you. 
  • If you are a Protector, choose a person to protect for the round. You can make sure someone will be safe this turn. But will you use it to help others, or to grant your own selfish survival?

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Minimalna konfiguracija
Procesor Intel Core 2 Quad/ Core i3 or equivalent AMD
Radna memorija 1.02 GB
Operativni sistem 64-bit Windows 7 or later
Grafička karta NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / AMD Radeon HD 4850 or equivalent videocard
Zvuk Not required
Hard disk prostor 300 MB
DirketX 10
Razno , Broadband Internet conncetion
Preporučena konfiguracija
Procesor -
Radna memorija -
Operativni sistem -
Grafička karta -
Zvuk -
Hard disk prostor -
DirketX -
Ostale informacije
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Detalji o proizvodu

Izdanje na DLH
Sep. 30, 2018
Originalno izdanje
Dec. 07, 2016
Razvojni tim
Abstractive Works
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